
Our Secret Sauce

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Feedback you need

Instructors are provided accurate, behavior-based feedback on student performance.

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Your course your way

Modular design allows instructors to customize the simulation by selecting and ordering modules according to their needs.

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Perfect for large classrooms

Calibrated against major OB textbooks. Promotes assurances of learning. Scalable to large size classrooms.


Benefits to Instructors

Software Screenshot

Scalable to large classrooms

Lead was designed to tackle large classroom sizes that are traditionally "too big to do anything to lecture to". Lead allows you to provide an interactive and engaging learning experience that can scale to class rooms of any size.

Extends learning beyond a lecture and classroom

Lead can be completed inside or outside of the classroom allowing you to tailor Lead to your students specific needs. The simulation emphasizes a “crawl-walk-run” methodology that increases in complexity as the student progresses through the module

Get your students performance in real-time.

Lead provides student performance feedback for assurance of learning through multidimensional, quantitative metrics as they complete it.

Lead integrates with your current OB textbook

Lead is calibrated against major Organizational Behavior and Leadership textbooks.

Benefits to Students

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Students are provided instantaneous feedback on their performance.

Students can move at their pace

Self-paced program allows the student to complete modules when their time permits

The experience they need

Lead's simulations gives students the opportunity to experience key components of OB, management and leadership in a safe learning environment.

Lead lives on the web and works anywhere

Students can access material from their personal computers or tablets.

Provides an engaging game like learning experience.

Gamification adds a “fun factor” to learning

Current Modules

Performance Management

Job Characteristics

Conflict Resolution

Goal Setting

Power and influence

Leadership styles

Group Development

Expectancy Theory


Managerial Decision Making







Work Related Attitudes

Organizational Change Lewin

Organizational Change Kotter

Emotional Intelligence


Let’s start

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Looking for more options?

We have partnered with Flatworld Knowledge to pair Lead: The Simulation with two great Organizational Behavior textbooks.

This provides instructors with two cost-effective, course ready options

our experts

Innovative team


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  • info@positiveleadershipsolutions.com